Protect dogs pads in cold weather

Cold weather poses several potential hazards to paws, such as: Dryness, chapping, and cracking. Paw pads can become dry due to cold temperatures and dry air. De-icers, including salt, may lead to irritation or chemical burns, causing discomfort and potential sores or infections if your dog licks or chews their paws. 

Protect dog's paws in winter

Paw injuries: Walking on salt crystals, rocks, or sharp objects concealed beneath snow can cause pain and cuts. 

Frostbite: Similar to humans, dogs’ feet and toes are susceptible to frostbite if exposed to extreme cold. 

Slips and falls: Slippery ice can result in trauma or injuries, particularly for pets with conditions like arthritis, making it challenging for them to maintain stability on slippery surfaces. 

5 Tips for Protecting Your Dog’s Paws: 

1. Moisturize Paw Pads: Apply a salve before walks to create a protective barrier against ice and chemicals.

2. Hydration Matters: Ensure your dog stays hydrated in the dry winter months. Bring water on walks, and consider using a humidifier at home to prevent skin irritation.

3. Paw Care: After walks, clean your dog’s paws with warm water to remove ice, salt, and chemicals. Towel dry to keep both paws and floors clean.

4. Consider Dog Boots: Invest in well-fitted dog boots to shield paws from winter hazards. Ensure a snug fit without affecting circulation, and introduce them gradually.

5. Monitor Paw Health: Regularly check your dog’s paw pads for redness, cracks, or wounds. Be attentive to excessive paw licking, as it may indicate discomfort.  

Posted in Pet Safety.